When you have an organisation that’s difficult for an audience to get their heads around, it’s not easy for creatives to come up with compelling communications. Just as precariously, if an agency doesn’t demonstrate that it understands the business, it’s almost impossible to produce creative solutions the client can buy into.
Apollo Medical Partners has a business just like that. Apollo develop, invest in and help manage primary healthcare premises. The healthcare landscape that Apollo operate in isn’t straightforward – especially for clinicians who had to learn a whole new way of working. And so it’s not been that easy for Apollo to demonstrate where they add winning value, with a customer base so unsure of themselves.
Some very lovely friends in a local full service creative agency were tasked to help. And as they are so lovely (and talented) the creative agency were very busy. Which is great, but not ideal when you need lots of thinking time to get your head around a tricky business proposition.
So the agency bought me in for a few days to help. While reading reams and reams of material, I jotted down key features and benefits to help the agency’s creative director understand the business and the opportunities, musings that eventually became a schematic flow chart.
It was so helpful, he took several photos of my scribblings, scratched across a hideously large white board and a smaller one besides. And once they had some ideas, the agency showed the client the photos at the beginning of their presentation.
The client was thrilled. They hadn’t yet seen such a clear, succinct and powerful presentation of their business. They loved it so much, they’ve used my outline at business opportunities, to highlight the value they can bring – and they changed the spec of the finished brochure to make room for my schematic, hence the three-page gatefold insert below…